What We Do
International Islamophobia Studies Research Association (IISRA). In Arabic the acronym refers to a nocturnal journey leading to knowledge and spiritual insight known as ‘Isra’ in the Islamic tradition. This is symbolically appropriate for the ‘global research caravan’ IISRA is committed to promoting to mobilizing knowledge that documents and challenges Islamophobia on a planetary scale.
IISRA supports the dissemination of academic research and publicly engaged scholarship on Islamophobia. The association accomplishes this mission through academic fora that facilitates the transnational, multidirectional flow of knowledge across academia, policy and government, media, and global civil society.
By engaging in knowledge mobilization activities—such as networking, disseminating, exchanging and supporting research-based knowledge, IISRA provides a global hub for academic leadership in the field of Islamophobia Studies.
IISRA’s annual conferences provide a forum for academics, independent scholars, and community-based researchers from around the world to present interdisciplinary research on Islamophobia in accordance with the conference annual theme.
IISRA members are scholars who impact international research, transnational dialogues and debate, and foster global and local forms of social, cultural and political action. By engaging in knowledge mobilization activities, IISRA scholars advance rigorous evidence-based knowledge in timely, useful, and accessible forms.